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Study: Potentials in the "New Normal" cooperation with suppliers and service providers

The Fraunhofer IML has identified the needs for cooperation with suppliers and service providers that have developed from the Corona crisis based on a study of industrial companies. The study was initiated by Keller & Kalmbach. The results can help you and your supply chain partners to prepare for the "New Normal" in the best possible way by taking into account the requirements of the market.

We would like to share the findings from the study with you. You can download the white paper free of charge.

Extract of study results


Supplier reduction in the C-parts sector
Supplier reduction is primarily targeted in the C-parts sector. Strategy changes are only to a small extent due to the Corona crisis.


Tendency to intensify collaboration
In the case of standardised processes, customers are more likely to imagine (partial) takeover than in the case of optimisation or innovation topics (more likely to support).

Need for action on hybridisation in the areas of product and service portfolio
Quantitative and qualitative expansions are desired in the product portfolio, and the implementation of platforms and data-based services in services.


Great potential in the degree of digitalisation/automation and in innovation topics
The degree of digitalisation/automation is rarely rated as high by the companies surveyed. Despite the need for action in the use of data, the potential of existing data is often not exploited. This is compounded by insufficient innovation implementation.

Security of supply as the greatest benefit of data exchange
The prerequisite is the guarantee of data security. If data security is guaranteed, the willingness to exchange data, especially to increase supply security in production, is very high.


The solution for future challenge today

As a C-parts management service provider and supplier of the eLogistics platform, Keller & Kalmbach offers solutions for a sustainable supplier reduction as well as a broad portfolio of possibilities for collaboration, digitalization and data exchange - always under the premise of your supply security. For example

  • Early assistance in production-ready support of your developments of fasteners and special parts
  • Part reduction through standardization projects
  • Support and advice on surface selection and the right thread locking system as well as automatic screwdriving machines and screwdriving systems
  • C-parts management systems based on e.g. RFID technology for procurement, storage and provision of C-parts
  • LISA (Logistics Information Service Application) as an information and evaluation system - including proactive alarm messages in the event of impending supply problems - for master and transaction data in real time
  • Automation of business processes on EDI basis


The collaboration between Fraunhofer IML and Keller & Kalmbach began in 2019 when the first joint project, the "Future Lab", was launched. Since then, a lot has happened. Not only has the "Future Lab" developed further, but other joint projects, such as the optimisation of internal processes, the modularisation of services and Keller & Kalmbach's Future Vision 2025, as well as the jointly conducted market study, are also "worth seeing". Would you like to learn more about the cooperation between Fraunhofer IML and Keller & Kalmbach?